Thursday, August 27, 2020

Project 2 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Undertaking 2 - Case Study Example Remarkable highlights of the announcement would have included succinct venture plan, measure of financing to be required, an adaptable yet all around characterized schedule for consummation of the task and achievement rules set previously. A judicious thing would have been to coordinate installments with achievements concurred in advance this would have given more prominent motivator to the workforce to focus on the undertaking. Data about the way to create financing for the venture and participation between various utilities division ought to have been remembered for the SOW to give a thought regarding the supporting components of the metro venture and the necessity that any issues which emerged on account of them ought to be dealt with appropriately and rapidly. Ans.2 The issues looked by the undertaking were not kidding enough to have protracted the hour of finishing by right around 2 decades. The issues were complex; from the surprising organization of the works and the shopkeeper’s requests to the utility lines ending up being an obstruction in development. Notwithstanding, these were just not out of the ordinary from an undertaking of this degree and it was the poor administration that was to blame for being not able to foresee these issues. While it might not have been conceivable to be have been set up to deal with these issues from the beginning the task ought to have incorporated the likelihood that they may occur and how the groups would manage them. The absence of data about the utilities and poor figure of traffic needs were one of the essential failings of the venture structure which prompted these issues and it appears the planners were uninformed of the specific degree. Issues in an undertaking which influences the every day life of a great many individuals are not misfortune; they are not out of the ordinary. Ans.1 The most significant thing for the association is to frame an activity intend to help their task directors with the customer issues they are confronting. The venture administrators all express a similar sort of issues with having to

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Final Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Last Project - Assignment Example A few measures exist for streamlining authoritative execution, and these rules are additionally significant in hierarchical evaluation. This paper will look to recognize and investigate the quality holes that exist in the University of California - San Diego Medical School through execution upgrade standards, and afterward continue to talk about ideas of execution greatness, ceaseless quality improvement and all out quality administration and how they apply to UCSD Medical School. The job of the administration in UCSD Medical School in cultivating and continuing hierarchical and clinical quality will likewise be contemplated. Authoritative evaluation permits organizations to decide their present state as far as quality and execution and thus define arrangements and techniques for the route forward (Perkins, Verladi, Nightingale and Rifkin p. 1). The underlying appraisal is significant in the recognizable proof of execution holes inside an association and subsequently a pointer of the zones that ought to get need. Subsequent to undertaking a transformational way, authoritative evaluation is significant in examination of the advancement made in the accomplishment of the ideal execution. Instead of customary departmental or gathering execution appraisal, hierarchical execution includes an investigation of the wide basic and utilitarian parts of an association which empower such an association to create and actualize approaches that are maintainable in the accomplishment of both long haul and momentary objectives. Hierarchical appraisal is a comprehensive methodology for inspecting the qualities and shortcomi ngs of the projects being executed in an association, what's more this inner point of view, it can likewise fill in as a proportion of an organization’s execution against its rivals (Perkins et al. p. 2). The standards used to upgrade authoritative execution are likewise similar ones utilized in hierarchical evaluation. For a wellbeing establishment, for example, the UCSD

Friday, August 21, 2020

Sample of Essay on Korean War - Different Approaches

Sample of Essay on Korean War - Different ApproachesSample of essay on the Korean War is an essay that will review the events of the war. It will also discuss its effects, which may have made the Korean Peninsula a more volatile situation. As the events of the Korean War are still fresh in memory, people will not forget them easily.The purpose of a sample of essay on the Korean War is to demonstrate the powerful impact the war had on the United States and its allies. The essay will also give an overview of the reasons why people are still debating about the war today. Moreover, it will outline the different theories about the war's origins. What really happened during those tumultuous years?Although the topic has many different perspectives, it is important for everyone to understand the gravity of the situation. In doing so, the essay must also have a comprehensive reading list. A good read list is vital if you want to be able to fully grasp the subject matter of the essay.When writ ing your essay, try to include all the different factors that took place during those critical days. For example, people's opinions have differed on how the war began. Some believe that it was planned by a group of unassuming, yet war-hungry people in Washington. Others believed that the origins of the war came from a right-wing dictator in the country that was at war with the United States.Furthermore, there are different sources from which you can gather your data form. Many of these resources are the very same ones that you may have encountered during your academic studies. Nevertheless, there are others that will help you to gather relevant data that is not usually accessible to other students. These resources may include journals, books, movies, and newspapers.If you would like to research sources that contain some of the historical information about the war, you may want to check out survey samples. Survey samples are popular due to their simplicity. Aside from being easy to u se, they are also a good source of information about the period in question.Surveys are made by asking a few questions to people in order to get information on what they remember about the events. Sample of essay on Korean War survey samples will give you a better understanding of the events. In addition, surveys can be a way to get some insight on the subject that is hard to get when the event was being studied. Survey samples can also give you great insight into the thoughts of people at the time.Some of the other benefits of using essay samples of essays include being able to learn more than just the details of the subject. It is very important to write an essay on something that will interest you. One way to do this is to read different pieces on the same topic that interest you. By doing this, you will be able to come up with an interesting essay on a topic that you may already have an interest in.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Using dbExpress in Delphi Database Applications

One of the strengths of Delphi is the support for many databases using several data access technologies: the BDE, dbExpress, InterBase Express, ADO, Borland Data Providers for .NET, to name a few. What is dbExpress? One of the data connectivity options in Delphi is dbExpress. In short, dbExpress is a light-weight, extensible, cross-platform, high-performance mechanism for accessing data from SQL servers. dbExpress provides connectivity to databases for the Windows, .NET and Linux (using Kylix) platforms.Initially designed to replace the BDE, dbExpress (introduced in Delphi 6), allows you to access different servers - mySQL, Interbase, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Informix.dbExpress is extensible, in that it is possible for third-party developers to write their own dbExpress drivers for various databases. One of the most significant features of dbExpress lies in the fact that it accesses databases using unidirectional datasets. Unidirectional datasets do not buffer data in memory --Â  such a dataset cannot be displayed in a DBGrid. To build a user interface using dbExpress you will need to use two more components: TDataSetProvider and TClientDataSet. How to Use dbExpress Heres a collection of tutorials and articles on building database applications using dbExpress: dbExpress Draft SpecificationAn early dbExpress specifications draft. Worth a read. Introduction to ClientDataSets and dbExpressA TClientDataset is a part of any dbExpress applications. This paper introduces dbExpress and the power of ClientDataSets to people who have been using the BDE and are afraid to migrate. Additional dbExpress Driver OptionsA list of third-party drivers available for dbExpress Migrating BDE Applications to dbExpressThis PDF goes into extensive detail on issues you may face when migrating applications from BDE components to dbExpress components. It also provides information on performing the migration. Create a Reusable Component to Connect Delphi 7 to DB2 with dbExpressThis article shows you how to use IBM DB2 as the database for applications written with Borland Delphi 7 Studio and dbExpress. Specific topics include how to connect the seven dbExpress components to DB2 and use them to build visual forms on top of database tables.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Theory of Classical Conditioning - 1051 Words

Classical Conditioning Introduction In psychology, there are number of theories and ideas which are used to influence the way someone reacts to particular events. In the case of classical conditioning, these ideas have been utilized to create short and long term transformations about how someone sees and reacts to the world around them. To fully understand how this is taking place requires examining these techniques and the way they are influencing behavior. This will be accomplished by studying the theory of classical conditioning, identifying a scenario where is used and describing it in a chart. Together, these different elements will explain these techniques and how they can influence the attitudes of an individual over the long term. It is at this point when they will realize shifts in the way they analyze and react to different events (from the benefits or lack thereof they are receiving). Describe the theory of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is based upon the belief that an individuals behavior is shaped by their environment and mental thoughts (i.e. their feelings and emotions). This influences how they will react and their underlying mental state. A learning process will take place from associations with the environment and naturally occurring stimuli. (McLeod, 2012) (Lavond, 2003) (Coon, 2008) Under this theory, there are several different areas that are focused on to see how someones behavior is being affected. The most notable include:Show MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning929 Words   |  4 PagesDiscussion 5 1. Define: Classical Conditioning is learning theory based on the assumption that the learning process occurs due to associations between an environmental stimulus and a natural occurring stimulus, as indicated in our textbook. This learning theory was developed by John Watson. He proposed that this theory is able to explain human behavior. Watson also assumed that our environment shapes our personality as a whole. His ideas were influenced by the findings of Ivan Pavlov, a RussianRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1129 Words   |  5 PagesIn this assignment I will be looking at the Behaviourist perspective with Ivan Pavlov’s (1902) theory about classical conditioning. I will be discussing how I have used human development and learning perspectives in my placement to support young people in their personal and social development with providing a case study about them. I will be writing about how the theory demonstrates effective youth and community work practice including the five pillars of youth work. Behaviourists look at behaviourRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1360 Words   |  6 PagesIs it possible to rouse fear from a stimulus that at first caused no such response? Classical conditioning is a type of learning where a response is produced from combining a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to produce an unconditioned response. Ivan Pavlov did a famous study, pairing the sound of a bell with food to produce salivation. After a while, just the sound alone would produce salivation. â€Å"Little Albert†, an infant that belonged to a wet nurse at the Harriet Lane HomeRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1202 Words   |  5 PagesIn this essay the ways in which classical conditioning principals have been used to treat problem behaviours in humans will be discussed. Firstly the findings of Ivan Pavlov’s research experiment on classical conditioning will be explained. Then a number of his basic principals that include extinction, spontaneous recovery, stimulus generalisation and acquisition will be explored. Finally, the use of behavioural therapy in treating problem behaviours, specifically in relation to systematic desensitisationRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1070 Words   |  5 Pages(1929) and Watson and Rayner (1920) contributed to the theory of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning argues behaviour is learned through the continued pairing of a stimulus that creates a response. This can be a fear response as identified by Watson and Rayner (1920) where a healthy eleven-month-old boy was conditioned to feel fear when he saw a fluffy white toy. This fear extended to any fluffy white object. Operant conditioning theory was developed through the findings of Skinner (1938)Read MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1222 Words   |  5 Pagesexperienced. Although Harlow has found this theory, Ivan Pavlov experimented with dogs and discovered classical conditioning. Classical cond itioning can show how attitudes are formed and changed, how and when attitudes influence behavior, and how we change attitudes and behavior. Classical conditioning is basically learning through association, which induces involuntary or automatic responses to certain stimuli. A famous example is Pavlov’s dogs, before conditioning the dogs would salivate (UCR) when meatRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning994 Words   |  4 Pagestransfer persist, although with a certain loss in the intensity of the reaction, for a longer period than one month.† The data reported in this paper definitely supports this conclusion. The purpose of this experiment was to test the theory of classical conditioning as well as transfer (stimulus generalization); and to see if they would be able to successfully condition an emotional response of fear. When this experiment began, Little Albert was 11 months and 3 days old. Watson and Rayner exposedRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning Theory Essay712 Words   |  3 Pagesattachment theory is a psychological, an ethological and an evolutionary theory that is concerned with relationships between humans, specifically between mother and infant. An infant has to develop a relationship with at least one of their primary caregivers for them to develop socially and emotionally. This essay will look at evaluating the theories of Ivan Pavlov, John B Watson, Edward Thorndike, BF Skinner, John Bowlby (1958), and Mary Anisworth (1979) Two important learning theories of behavioristRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1824 Words   |  8 PagesClassical conditioning The first theory of learning is called classical conditioning and was developed by Ivan Pavlov a Russian physiologist. He started working with dogs to investigate their digestive system, they were ties to a harness and Pavlov added monitors to their stomachs and mouths to measure the rate of saliva produced. He found out that when a lab assistant came in to give the dog food before the dog tasting the food it started to produce saliva, saliva is a reflex response and PavlovRead MoreBehaviorism Theory Of Classical Conditioning1700 Words   |  7 Pages Behaviorism is a theory that behavior can be altered through conditioning. Behaviorism does not focus on thoughts or feelings of the subject, just their behavior. Ivan Pavlov was a major part of this movement of behaviorism with his theory of classical conditioning. The most important part of classical conditioning is that it is done through repetition. In his experiment he began with noticing that an unconditioned stimulus like dog fo od causes an unconditioned response like salivation. He then

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Role of a Mother in As I Lay Dying Written by William...

Many mothers, regardless of age or situation, share sympathetic life ideals. They all share the common goal of raising their children wholesome; they want to create an environment of love, nurture, and support for their children as well. A mother’s effort to implant good values in her children is perpetual; they remain optimistic and hope that their children would eventually become prosperous. However, some women were not fit to be mothers. Thus, two different roles of a mother are portrayed in As I Lay Dying written by William Faulkner. Faulkner uses the literary technique of first person narrative with alternating perspectives. By doing so, Faulkner adds authenticity and the ability to relate (for some) to the two characters Addie†¦show more content†¦The narrators alternate, showcasing the fluctuating levels of coherence, understanding and emotional strength. The dialect differs from character to character and the language each character uses, varies on level of in tensity and subjectivity. Each character’s speech varies from being confessional to teetering on the line of awareness and consciousness. The characters each have their own view on life and on the way Addie Bundren lived her life: through these alternate character’s eyes, we can piece together the bits and pieces of Addie’s life, death and the haulage of her decaying body to Jefferson. The narrative seems to be fragmented however, it also exhibits a type of unity. The story takes place over the course of a few days yet the differing â€Å"sub-plots are logically and skillfully interwoven† (Ross 309). Faulkner forces the reader to see the narrative from multiple perspectives. One main factor that emphasizes the distinction between Cora and Addie is motherhood. Cora expresses her view on motherhood because she believes â€Å"A woman’s place is with her husband and children, alive or stagnant† (57). She believes that it is a woman’s responsibility to be a suitable wife, foster their husband’s children, and be upright and outstanding mothers to their children. It is Cora’s job to take care of her daughtersShow MoreRelatedAs I Lay Dying And The Crucible Essay834 Words   |  4 PagesIn As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner and The Crucible by Arthur Miller, women are perceived in ways that fit the time period they are written in. The Crucible deals with women being accused of witchcraft and regarded as witches. In As I Lay Dying the few women in the story, are not highly regarded or of high status. Both authors depict women in different ways, but with similar attitude towards women. Even though The Crucible and As I Lay Dying were works from different time periods, the portrayalRead MoreWilliam Faulkners As I Lay Dying Essay1482 Words   |  6 PagesIn As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner uses the characters Anse and Cash, and a motif/symbol in My mother is a fish, to reveal the psychological and societal problems of the twenties and thirties. Written as soon as the panic surrounding the stock market in 1929 started, Faulkner is reported as having, â€Å"took one of these [onion] sheets, unscrewed the cap from his fountain pen, and wrote at the top in blue ink, As I Lay Dying. Then he underlined it twice and wrote the date in the upper right-handRead MoreAnalysis Of As I Lay Dying1497 Words   |  6 PagesAs I Lay Dying, is a novel about the death of Addie Bundren and the events that follow to her burial. The story is told through fifteen different perspectives over the course of fifty-nine narrative chapters. William Faulkner gives the reader insight into what each character is thinking and their reacti ons to the events taking place. Each member of the Bundren family holds their own secrets that they keep from one another. These secrets eventually distance each member from one another over the durationRead MoreAnalysis Of As I Lay Dying 1738 Words   |  7 PagesSilence As I Lay Dying, is a novel written by William Cuthbert Faulkner, where a poor southern family named the Burdens set off on a journey through 1920’s Mississippi to bury their recently deceased mother Addie Bundren. Before, Addie Bundren passes away she makes her husband Anse promise to bury her in her hometown of Jefferson, Mississippi. This is a large task as the Burden family is located in Yoknapatawhpha County, Mississippi and they must make the rough journey to give their mother her finalRead MoreWilliam Faulker And Cry, The Beloved Country, By Alan Paton1632 Words   |  7 Pagesaspects between the two novels As I Lay Dying, by William Faulker and Cry, the Beloved Country, by Alan Paton. One comparable aspect that can be found in both novels is the many similar themes explored throughout both novels. Many of these themes are prominent throughout literature. When comparing identical themes from two diverse authors, one can understand and appreciate these differences and s imilarities. Although these themes are commonly discussed, Paton and Faulkner have distinct methods in whichRead MoreEssay on Critical History of As I Lay Dying3014 Words   |  13 PagesNashia Horne 28 November 2011 English 290 Critical History Assignment Many of William Faulkner’s books, especially ‘As I Lay Dying’ focused on the South in the aftermath of the Civil War. The themes of his and other Southern authors included: a common Southern history, the significance of family, a sense of community and one’s role within it, the Church and its burdens and rewards, racial tension, land and the promise it brings, one’s social class and place, and, sometimes, the use ofRead MoreEssay about Addie Bundren in William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying2831 Words   |  12 PagesAddie Bundren in William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying Woman is the source and sustainer of virtue and also a prime source of evil. She can be either; because she is, as man is not, always a little beyond good and evil. With her powerful natural drive and her instinct for the concrete and personal, she does not need to agonize over her decisions. There is no code for her to master, no initiation for her to undergo. For this reason she has access to a wisdom which is veiledRead More Words and Images in Faulkners As I Lay Dying Essay3612 Words   |  15 PagesWords and Images in Faulkners As I Lay Dying Maybe I will end up in some kind of self-communion -- a silence -- faced with the certainty that I can no longer be understood. The artist must create his own language. This is not only his right but his duty. ----------- William Faulkner Virginia Woolf observes that painting and writing have much to tell each other; they have much in common. The novelist after all wants to make us to see (22). Indeed, many movements in the visual arts duringRead MoreAn Analysis Of William Faulkner s The Kentucky School Board Essay1110 Words   |  5 PagesKentucky school board in Graves County thought the book, As I Lay Dying was the furthest thing from what they considered to be â€Å"normal†. William Faulkner didn’t put censorship into consideration when he was writing this book, in the year 1930, so it caused great controversy. The book was banned for several â€Å"un-normal† things that were spoken about in the book such as anti-Christian references, sexual exploitation, and vulgar language. As I Lay Dying gives us an up-close-and-personal look into the BundrenRead MoreA Rose for Emily - Biography William Faulkner3892 Words   |  16 PagesBIOGRAPHY William Faulkner (September 25, 1897 – July 6, 1962) was a Nobel Prize-winning American author. One of the most influential writers of the 20th century, his reputation is based on his novels, novellas and short stories. However, he was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter. Most of Faulkners works are set in his native state of Mississippi, and he is considered one of the most important Southern writers, along with Mark Twain, Robert Penn Warren, Flannery OConnor

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

COSO Internal Control Integrated Framework

Question: Discuss about the COSO Internal Control Integrated Framework. Answer: Introduction: World Com is a giant telecom company that came into spotlight for the accounting scandal in its books of accounts. The fraud was committed in the books of account in the two ways by reducing the reserve account and under reporting of expenses. The operating margin indicates the profitability of the company. The operating margin of the company has decreased sharply during 1998. In order to improve the operating margin the company used manipulative accounting technique so that company can project improved earnings (Knechel Salterio, 2016). The company passed fictitious accounting entries to increase the revenue amount and it was passed from the Corporate Unallocated Revenue account. The company reduced the reserve for covering the liabilities of the company acquired. The company from its reserve added $2.8 billion to its revenue. This resulted in increase in profit margin of the company constantly during the year 1999 and 2000. The current accounting manipulation is considered inadequ ate to maintain the same level of earnings by 2001. In 2001, the profit margin of the company has decreased to half as compared to the previous years (Martin et al., 2014). The second way in which the World Com has performed fraud is by under reporting of expenses. The company has under reported the line cost so that stock price of the company is increased. The line cost of the company includes expenses for inter connection with other telecommunication companies. The company in the year 2000 actually suffered a loss of $649 million (Kiesow et al., 2015). However, by performing fraud the company reported the profit of $2608 million in the same year. The company reported the expenses as capital investment and it was shown in balance sheet. The company made this fraud to show that the company is earning more by making fewer expenses. The company transferred into the capital account the current expenses. The company by understating the expenses boosted the net income of the company and as the expenses was capitalized so the assets of the company has increased from 1999 to 2001. Therefore, it can be said that the company has avoided a loss of billion dollars by capitalizing the line cost instead of expressing it as expenses. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) provides the initiative for discloser of financial information. The SOX Act encourages greater initiative for the financial information disclosure. The key section of the SOX that relates to the activity is section 404. The section 404 of the SOX provides that the external auditor should evaluate the effectiveness of the internal control on the financial reporting process. The executive of the HealthSouth is engaged in the fraudulent activity. The executive have committed fraud by following three steps. Firstly, the company analyzed the financial statement to determine if the expectation of the analyst is meet. Secondly, if the earning of the company is short then the management manipulates the results for suiting the purpose as necessary. Thirdly, the management created false documents so that the false entries in the books of the accounts are concealed. The widespread fraud was prevalent in the company of the Health South and even the auditors allowed the fraud to be continued (Luo, 2015). The section 303 of the SOX Act deals with the improper influences on the conduct of audit. The section 303 provides that it will be unlawful to influence the performance of an auditor engaged in providing independent opinion on the financial statement. In this case, the management of the company has violated the provision of the act by influencing the opinion of the auditor. The SOX Act provides that alteration of document is a criminal offence that attracts penalties under section 802 of the SOX Act. The section 108 of the SOX Act requires the company to prepare the financial statement in accordance with the accounting standards. In this case, the company has engaged in fraud so the section 108 of the act is violated. In this question the three article is discussed to examine the change that have taken place in the role of audit committee and internal audit after the passing of SOX Act. The first article by Cynthia et al., 2011 in Highlights of Corporate Governance Research. Journal of Accountancy states that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 motivates recent corporate governance initiatives (SOX). The article discusses the role that the internal audit plays in detecting the material weakness. It is stated in the article that the role of the internal auditor mainly focused on detecting weakness in control. The scope of the internal audit have widened after the recent developments. The internal audit not only includes detection of the material weakness but also provides opinion on the financial statement. The article shows that significant change have taken place after passing of the SOX Act (Karanja Zaveri, 2014). In the article of Corporate Governance in the Post-Sarbanes-Oxley by Cohen et al., 2010 states that responsibility of management, auditor and corporate governance has significantly expanded after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002. In this article, an interview-based research was conducted in which three of the four big audit firms participated. The auditors indicated that there is a significant improvement in the corporate governance scenario across the world. It was found that the audit committees are performing their responsibility with more responsibility. In the Shu Lin et al., 2011 the article for The Role of the Internal Audit Function in the Disclosure of Material Weaknesses. The Accounting Review discuss the role related to the internal audit function (IAF). The section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 states that disclosure of material weakness should be reported under section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Spears et al., 2013). This study investigates the role of the internal audit function in the disclosure of the material weakness. The data of 214 firms were used to study the relationship between the disclosure of material weakness and the attributes and activities of internal audit functions. The result of the study indicated that the disclosure of material weakness is negatively related with the level of education of the IAF. It is also found in the study that the practice of the grading of the audit engagement and the disclosure of material weakness have a positive relationship. The coordination of the internal and external auditor suggests that these activities increases the effectiveness of the compliance process of section 404. Reference Karanja, E., Zaveri, J. (2014). Ramifications of the Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) Act on IT governance.International Journal of Accounting and Information Management,22(2), 134-145. Kiesow, A., Fellmann, M., Zarvic, N., Thomas, O. (2015). Managing Internal Control: Designing a Wiki-based Information System for Continuous Process Assurance. Knechel, W. R., Salterio, S. E. (2016).Auditing: assurance and risk. Routledge. Luo, Y. (2015). Acctg 626 Audit and Assurance Services. Martin, K., Sanders, E., Scalan, G. (2014). The potential impact of COSO internal control integrated framework revision on internal audit structured SOX work programs.Research in Accounting Regulation,26(1), 110-117. Spears, J. L., Barki, H., Barton, R. R. (2013). Theorizing the concept and role of assurance in Information Systems Security.Information management,50(7), 598-605.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Nicholas Coppernicus Essays - Copernican Revolution,

Nicholas Coppernicus Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer, best known for the astronomical theory that the sun is stationary and Earth, spinning on it's axis once daily, revolves around the sun annually. He was very intelligent and was educated at various universities. If Copernicus hadn't challenged Pltolmy's theory, it would have affected us in many ways. Space travel, satellites, and weather prediction would not be as advanced. Nicolaus Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473 in Torun, Poland (Wood 87). He was born into a family of merchants. Copernicus uncle, Bishop Lukasz Watzerode, made sure his nephew obtained a solid education. In 1491 Copernicus enrolled in Jagiellonian University. From there he studied liberal arts for four years but received no degree. Like many others he went to Italy to study medicine and law (Smith 1039). Before he left, his uncle appointed him a church administrator in Fronbork. He then used the money from there to pay for school. Copernicus began to study canon lay at the University of Bologna in 1497. At that time he, was living at the home of mathematics professor, Domenico Maria de Novara. Copernicus astronomical and geographical interests were greatly inspired by Novara (Westman). Around 1500 Copernicus gave speeches on astronomy to people in Rome. Later that year he gained permission to study medicine at Padua University. Copernicus, without completing his medical studies , received a doctorate in canon law from Ferrara in 1503, after which he returned to Poland to take up his administrative duties (Smith 1039). From 1503 to 1510, Copernicus stayed in his uncle's bishop palace in Lidzbark Warmiski. From there he published his first book, a Latin translation of letters on morals by a Byzantine writer. Between the times of 1507 and 1515, he completed a short astronomical book. It was not published until the 19th century (Wood 87). The main premises of the Copernican theory were that Earth rotates daily on its axis, while revolving yearly around the sun. He argued that other planets also circle the sun. His theories of planetary motion had the advantage of accounting for the daily and yearly motion of the sun and stars. It explained the apparent motion of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn and the fact that Mercury and Venus never moved more than a certain distance from the sun. His theory also stated that the sun was stationary. Another important aspect on Copernican's theory was that it allowed some kind of order of the planets, according to their periods of revolution. Unlike Pltolomy's theory, the greater the radius of the planets orbits, the greater the planet takes to make one revolution around the sun. Not many 16th century readers wanted to believe the Copernican theory. They didn't believe that there was a rotating Earth and that it spun 24 hours a day (westman). Nicolaus Copernicus passed away in 1543, but no one forgot his astronomical theory. By the 17th century, most major thinkers in England, France and Denmark were Copernicans, but natural philosophers in other European countries held strong anti-Copernican views for a least another century. Copernicus was a very intellectual man. He was one of the greatest thinkers of all time. For him to challenge Pltolmy's theory was very courageous at that time. Many people doubted his theory. It was hard for people to believe something so different to what they had known. It's incredible that Copernicus didn't let society change his thinking. If it wasn't for his intelligence and courage, we wouldn't have the knowledge to test our space technology.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Entrepreneurship and business Essay

Entrepreneurship and business Essay Entrepreneurship and business Essay Discuss the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development. What role does creativity and problem solving play in this relationship? Refer to both theory and examples from the business world to support your discussion? Entrepreneurship is not just about ‘starting a business’. It is about seizing opportunities in the market place, making changes or improvements and creating value. Entrepreneurs look at problems at hand and take them as opportunities (1). By uncovering problems and identifying solutions, that customers would be willing to pay for, entrepreneurs create value (1). If there is any chance of profits, entrepreneurs become willing to bear the risks involved (2). Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming. – Richard Branson. On the other hand, innovation is slightly more complex. It is a dual process, which is the combination of some sort of invention and the implementation of it (3). Invention is the creation or breakthrough of new knowledge (3). However, more must be done in order to create value. As Thomas Alva Edison stated, innovation is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration (3). By ‘Inspiration’, he means ‘invention’ and by ‘perspiration’ he means ‘implementation’ (3). It is evident that the implementation plays a huge part in innovation because without it, it would be nothing but good ideas that is not transformed into economic value (3). Implementing process is also known as entrepreneurial process. Where entrepreneurs transform the invention into economic value taking into consideration the feasibility and managerial aspects (3). That is the clear relation between entrepreneurship and innovation. Entrepreneurs are innovators. The development of the post-it note will demonstrate the relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation. Spencer Silver had a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry; he worked at 3M and had developed a new adhesive that was even weaker than what 3M already developed (5). He knew he was on to something but unfortunately no one had any use for glue that did not stick properly (5). Regardless, he did not discard it (5). Arthur Fry was another scientist in 3M and also a singer in his church choir. In order to keep track of his hymns, he tore strips of papers to act as markers. However, It was troublesome, as the strips of papers would slip out of his book easily (4). It then hit him, using Spencer’s weak adhesive glue, the markers can be stuck firmly in its’ place and will not cause any damage to the paper when taken off (4). Engineers told Arthur that there was no such machine to develop this paper and the managers of 3M did not support his idea (4). Despite that, he carried on to build the machine himself and sent the ready-made product to all the managers (4). Fry believed strongly in his invention and the ability of it to make profit. He took the risks involved and was persistent in sharing the newfound discovery. If he did not work to transform the idea into economic value and go through the dual entrepreneurial process, it would have remained merely a brilliant idea. Many great ideas go unexecuted, and many great executioners are without ideas. One without the other is worthless. – Tim Blixseth This proves the importance of ‘perspiration’ after obtaining the ‘inspiration’ and vice versa. Moving on to economic development and how it relates to entrepreneurship and innovation. Economic development is basically the increase in the standard of living of nation’s population (6). This can be attained by further improvement of the existing businesses, attracting new businesses and motivating the growth of new businesses (7). These are brought about by entrepreneurship and innovation. The more entrepreneurship results into more innovation, ergo more business start-ups, expansion and retention that influence employment and economic growth (7). Economist Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) focused on the disturbance and change cause by

Sunday, February 23, 2020

General Linear Model Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

General Linear Model - Coursework Example The research question was "What factors seem to be related to whether or not a child is classified as SEN" This author hypothesised that the main factor related to whether or not a child is classified as SEN would be test scores (APS). A search of relevant scholarly literature found that other factors, particularly low social economic status, and cultural-linguistic factors has been shown to increase the proportion of students classified as SEN. The model used was a GLM log one. The two main variables from the hypothesis - APS and SEN - was completed in R 2.7.0 to model the expected relationship. Further analysis including charts and tables was done to examine the correlation between SES factors (such as being eligible for free school meals), and whether or not a child is classified as SEN. Additional work was completed to discover the relationship between whether or not a child is classified as SEN and socio-linguistic factors (Mother tonge and ethnicity). An important issue for this statistical analysis is understanding the variables and the effect of other factors (both available in the dataset and ones not contained within the dataset). Blindly plugging variables into a copied statistical model and performing an analysis based on those is of little to no practical or even theoretical use. The following two sections (2.1 and 2.2) provided some context and background research on factors affecting the mis-identification of students needing special education services. Such factors help explain why a correlation between one or more explainatory variables (i.e. test scores or school grades) and the response variable (in receipt of special education services) is not as strong as one would expect. 2.1 Low Achievement vs Learning Disabilities. One of the frequently occurring reasons why students are referred for special education services is for having a learning disability. "Learning disability (LD) is a condition characterized by the occurrence within an otherwise adequate level of intellectual functioning of one or more specific deficits in the cognitive processes that undergird learning." (Blair, C. And K. G. Scott, 2002). The diagnosis of having a learning disability has increased in the past few decades. In the United States the rate of identification and placement in special education services, has doubled between 1982 and 2002 (Lewit & Baker, 1996).Much of this increase can be attributed to the increased awareness and acceptance of this invisible disability as a real special need requiring special education services. (Formally, students were told "If only you'd apply yourself and try harder."). However, as mentioned above some of the increase in referral and identification is likely due to other, non-LD factors cau sing a mis-identification. Statistical analysis published in 2002 by Clancy Blair and Keith G. Scott "indicated that 30% of LD placements among boys and 39% of LD placements among girls were attributable to what can be considered low-SES markers." This section discusses the situation where low achievement (LA) from resulting from low social economic status (SES), results in students being misidentified as having a learning

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Two Forks Medical Mystery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two Forks Medical Mystery - Essay Example She described the details of her older brother’s similar experience less than a month ago. It struck me then that the carrier who had infected Cam had possibly infected his older brother Cord. Nora was unable to listen to my reasoning as most cases of the Paratyphi-type are passed through visibly-uninfected carriers also known as ‘Typhoid Mary’. Since it was very early in the investigation (I had not yet interviewed the town’s people) it could not be ascertained that this was a case of ‘Typhoid Mary’ but nonetheless was a strong possibility. It appears that Cam Watanabe fell sick after possibly eating and drinking the food served at the restaurants on the fourth of July celebrations. Nick, one of Cam’s friends, accompanied Cam and their other friend Adam that very day. As he recollected in the County Sheriff’s car, he told Nora, the deputy and me what had happened. The boys went to a total of four eateries but I noticed Noraâ€⠄¢s frown when Nick mentioned Grapplin’ Bear. He noticed it too and abruptly ended the conversation. That gave me a hint as to selecting the most possible restaurant that gave Cam the bacterium.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Policing Essay Example for Free

Policing Essay Policing CRJ 201, Section 511 Frank Serpico Francesco Vincent Serpico was born on April 14, 1936 in Brooklyn, NY. At the age of 18 Serpico enlisted in the United States army and spent two years in Korea. In 1959 Frank Serpico graduated form the police academy and was sworn into the New York City Police Department. From the =Beginning of Serpico’s career in the NYPD he was forced with having to defend his integrity to the police department. While a rookie taking part in field officer training, there was a rape in progress call sent out over the radio. Serpico, wanting to do nothing but help wanted to take the call though it was out of his sector and against his veteran officers advice. Frank later forced to give up his collar despite the fact he apprehended the remaining rape suspects on his own. Being a rookie officer left him susceptible to officers with seniority easily getting over on him. In 1960 Frank became a patrolman in the 81st precinct. He then worked for the Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) before he was assigned to being a plain-clothes officer. This is when Frank Serpico’s problems began and he was exposed to department wide police corruption. Police subculture is defined as; shared values and norms and the established patterns of behavior that tend to characterize policing. During Frank’s time police corruption was definitely apart of police subculture. However it was not apart of Frank Serpico’s police subculture. While stationed at the 93rd precinct Serpico was given $300 as a part of the station pay off. Not knowing what to do with the money, and it being his first experience with corruption Frank took the money to his Sargent who in turn pocketed the money for himself. Becoming a snitch is something frowned upon then and now among civilians and law enforcement when it comes to one of your own. It is especially difficult to be a snitch in the police department because there is then no one behind you when in need. Blowing the whistle on fellow officers took a lot of guts and courage, especially when knowing that no one is there to stand behind you, and everyone is against you. On April 25, 1970, a New York Times article was published by David Burnham that would shake up the entire New York City Police Department. With the aid of Frank Serpico and Sargent David Durke, Burnham told the world of the millions of dollars paid to policeman in the New York Police Department by drug dealers, gamblers, and crooked businessmen. Frank also pointed out that despite the obvious corruption both Mayor Lindsay’s administration, and the police department ignored and failed to look into corruption cases repeatedly brought to their attention. This very article and the now public knowledge and outrage forced Mayor Lindsay to form the KNAPP Commission; a five-member panel whose purpose was to investigate corruption among the police department. Once the New York Times article was published, Frank Serpico was officially deemed a snitch. Subjecting himself to the possibility of extreme danger and violence, either at the hands of his own or by criminals when a lack of police back up and support is available. This possibility of danger became reality on February 3, 1971. While working in the vice division out of Brooklyn North, Serpico and 3 others detectives were working a drug sting. Frank was sent into the building and after witnessing the drug buy informed the two other plains clothes officers of were the suspect apartment was located. Serpico, the only officer that knew how to speak Spanish, was prompted to fake as if he wanted to purchase heroin to gain access into the suspects’ apartment. Once the dealer cracked the door Frank tried to force his way in, only able to wedge some of his body into the suspects’ door. Subsequently Serpico was shot at point blank range in his face with a . 22 caliber handgun. Once collapsed on the floor the remaining two officers stepped over him and proceeded with the drug bust instead of helping, they didnt even care enough to send out a cop shot call over the radio. It was a neighbor living on the floor of the shooting that called the ambulance and stayed with Serpico until a squad car arrived to escort him to the hospital. Frank Serpico soon after the shooting began to question the circumstances of the shooting, feeling he was set up to be executed. While in recovery at the hospital Serpico was constantly harassed and faced with wishes of death. Frank recovered, losing hearing in his left ear, and in December of 1971 testified in front of the KNAPP Commission. Ultimately Serpico received what he always wanted, a brass shield and a promotion to detective. Of course there was no customary ceremony when Frank was awarded detective status, he was called and told to pick his badge up from the office. This was one of the many things that displayed the distain the department and city officials had for Frank Serpico. In 1972 after receiving a gold metal of honor, Serpico retired from the New York City Police Department and moved to Switzerland, where he stayed for almost a decade. In 1980 Serpico back to New York City and now lives a quiet life upstate. Frank Serpico was the first and probably most famous New York police officer to report and go as far as to testify on the department wide corruption. He never gave up, never gave in, and always stayed true and loyal to the oath he took when graduating from the police academy in 1959. Hearing the story of Frank Serpico makes me grateful because I know there are truly honest and loyal individuals that hold jobs in the public service field. People like him played major roles in molding what the police department is today. However I do not think I would have followed in Frank Serpico’s footsteps to expose the ugly truth of what was going on in the police department at the time. Being apart of the police subculture, all you have is each other. Once you put on the uniform and strap on that gun and badge no one can protect you from danger but yourself and your fellow officers. Once those other officers distrust you there is no one to have your back when faced with a criminal with intent to harm you. I would remember that when my shift is over I have to go back to my family, I have to live a life outside of my career as a New York City Police Officer. If I could have found a way to not take the payoffs, still do my job to the best of my ability, and not snitch on my fellow officers, that would definitely be the route in which I would take. Frank Serpico could have easily been killed and I don’t think the police department or anything else is more important then my life and the lives of my family. I do respect everything that Frank Serpico did. His integrity and courageousness was unprecedented. Without him the police department that my friends, loved ones, and I interact with daily could very well be much different and much worst. All Frank Serpico wanted to do was be a good, moral person and an honest police officer. He nicely summed up some of his feelings while in front of the KNAPP Commission by saying, â€Å"Through my appearance here today I hope that police officers in the future will not experience the same frustration and anxiety that I was subjected to for the past five years at the hands of my superiors because of my attempt to report corruption We create an atmosphere in which the honest officer fears the dishonest officer, and not the other way around The problem is that the atmosphere does not yet exist in which honest police officers can act without fear of ridicule or reprisal from fellow officers. †

Monday, January 20, 2020

Placing Me Before We in Ayn Rands Anthem Essay -- Anthem Essays

Placing Me Before We in Ayn Rand's Anthem Ayn Rand's classic story of one man's desire to become an individual in a nameless society presents a compelling refutation of collectivism in all forms. The hero, labeled "Equality 7-2521" by the State, chooses to challenge conventional authority as he learns the joys of experimentation and discovery, the ecstasy of human love, the challenge and fairness of liberty, and the happiness of self-interest. Equality 7-2521 writes three unique phrases in his journal: 1. "My happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it. My happiness is not the means to an end. It is the end.", 2. "We know that we are evil, but there is no will in us and no power to resist it.", 3. "The word 'We' . . . must never be placed first within man's soul.". These phrases will be discussed individually in the remainder of this essay. 1. "My happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it. My happiness is not the means to an end. It is the end." In the tale, this thought drives the entire actions of Equality 7-2521 as he progresses in his attempt to become an individual. His happiness is not satisfied when he must share it universally with all men. Not every man can be as happy as the next, and therefore the forced brotherhood of all men will only deplete the spirits of those who are successful. In Anthem, Rand tells of Equality's joy when he "discovers" electricity. At that moment he knows that the joy of discovery is only his to relish, and that it cannot be shared or manipulated by any other man. In that regard, his own well-being is the end of his striving; he has fulfilled his wishes. To say that his happiness was only the means to, say, world peace would be to abolish his status ... ... by individuals who had some self-interest at heart. However, the creator of a product is justly entitled to his own happiness, and therefore it is at his discretion that his invention is distributed. One who creates a great thing cannot be forced to share it with mankind unless he desires. In most cases, it is in the self-interest of the originator that his creation be distributed freely. Thus, man is no longer a free man when he thinks of the group's interest above his own. It is fine for someone to be compassionate, but it is foolish to place the happiness of anyone else in front of your own. When men choose to follow groupthink, they forfeit their identities, and the end result is a world without freedom or creativity. Mankind is composed of sovereign individuals, and each person only has one obligation to self: think of "me" before "we."

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Investigating World Financial Markets Essay

The stock markets in consideration, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index (SSE), and the Australian All Ordinaries (ASX-All Ords) are among the major stock markets in the world. The value of these stock markets often gauge the local economy and is considered as the benchmark of economic health within their regions (Kaeppel, 2009). For instance, DJIA is the primary indicator of US economic health. Along with the S&P 500 and NASDAQ, the Dow is a collection of the top 30 industrial and commercial companies in the United States. The dominant industries in the DJIA range from Banking, Oil and Mining, Heavy Industries, and Food Manufacturing among others. According to Yahoo! Finance for the past couple of years during the global economic recession, the composition of the Dow has changed as it did for the past decades. Particularly, banking giants Citigroup and AIG were replaced in mid-2009 by The Travel Company and Kraft Foods, respectively due to the former’s poor stock performance on the onset of the global recession. One particular similarity of the stock markets mentioned in this paper is how other markets (SSE & ASX All Ords) were affected by the crisis that started in the United States. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index was at its all-time high (6000-level) in 2007 but suddenly cascaded downwards to the 4000 level during the global recession. The SSE in recent years has become a significant stock market indicator in Asia along with the Nikkei 225 of Japan and the Hang Seng in Hong Kong. The Shanghai bourse is divided into 2: Shanghai-A for foreigners and Shanghai-B for the local Chinese. Dominant industries in the SSE are mining and commercial banking. For instance, one of the largest IPOs in the world happened in 2007 during the listing of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). Another is the Australian All Ordinaries which is on a league of its own. It is considered to be the primary bourse of the Australian market and is usually classified together with the Asian markets due to proximity. The ASX has been known for in the past due to its mining and rubber industries. The ASX of today however is dominated mostly by food manufacturers and commercial banking while mining industries still contribute significant amounts of trade volumes. On the other hand, this paper will also look into the bonds market through the JP Morgan Global Bond Market-All Maturities which are government issued IOUs which a government usually guarantees to pay on a specified amount of time. Usually issued as 5-10 year bonds, the bonds market are resistant to bankruptcy and default since the government guarantees it in a long period of time. Cross-Market Comparisons The performance of the stock markets around the world has suffered a lot for the past two years due to the global economic crisis. Several banks and industries filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and sought for their governments to intervene (Selden, 2010). On Figure 1 below, the US market in general was already on a downward direction even before the worse of the global crisis. This was due to the fact that defaults on the US Housing market was heavily affecting investor sentiments and the uncertainty of the then incoming US presidential elections was leading the markets down. With the DJIA as one of the benchmark indices for other markets in Europe and Asia-Pacific, the SSE and the ASX also were on a minor down shift. This worsened when the American company Lehman Brothers which is a century-old company in the US filed for bankruptcy on September 2008 prompting panic on Wall Street and around the world. News stories of companies with large defaulting accounts sent shockwaves in other markets causing bear markets around the world as reflected on the graph. A slight recovery was seen on March of 2009 when newly sworn US President Barrack Obama agreed to bail out Wall St and provided Bailout packages to Citigroup and the US Auto Industry. On Australia, the market also reacted positively over the acquisition of BHP Billiton of Rio Tinto in late 2009 ending a series of sour negotiations in the previous year. China was also able to prove that it was resistant to the worse of the financial crisis and was still able to compensate for its 11% inflation for 2008. The local Chinese economy was also saved by the revenues from the 2008 Beijing Olympics as well as other industries who are still eager to invest in China all the more in order to reduce costs.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Interpersonal Effectiveness Essay - 1434 Words

M1A3 Goals Identification and Reality Assessment Worksheet Use this worksheet to organize your responses to Module 1, Assignment 3. Submit this worksheet in the Module 1: Assignment 3 Dropbox no later than Day 7 of Module 1. Include vocabulary and concepts from your readings to support and illustrate your own insights. In preparation for the papers you’ll write later in this course, take the time to organize your thoughts for each question and write clearly. The completed worksheet should be not more than three pages. 1. Describe a goal for interpersonal improvement in your personal life. Be sure to explain the following: * What aspects of your own interpersonal communication skills would you like to improve? * How far†¦show more content†¦I felt that since I decided to make that goal and work on it I think it has been beneficial. Sometimes I thought that my goal was very high because of my past attitude and the way it used to be, I thought it would be hard to work on because I was used to speaking to people the way I wanted to, and not caring to much about there feelings. But, since working on the goal it was a lot easier than what I thought because I was expressing myself and actually being heard instead of the opposite{having to scream or rant so I would be heard.}. I think that if I continue to have patience and hear people out that I could achieve this goal in all aspects of my life, I don’t think that my goal will take long to attain, but it is hard so I take it a step at a time and try to remember to listen first and then speak once everything has been said I could then gathe r my thoughts and then respond and give my input.i think the benefits of attaining my goal is 1. People would want to be around me more, they would want to hear what I have to say and they would also be proud of the changes that ive made. I would most of all be proud of myself for changing because now I could possibly get a job by listening more instead of interrupting people or being rude. 2. Describe a goal for interpersonal improvement in your academic life. Be sure to explain theShow MoreRelatedEffectiveness And Effectiveness Of Interpersonal Communication1340 Words   |  6 PagesBeing competent in interpersonal communication is one of the most vital skills to have not only in the professional world, but also in everyday life. By being competent in interpersonal communication, a person is able to effectively communicate with other people, enabling them to build better relationships with the people they surround themselves with. In order to be considered competent, one has to be able to be appropriate, effective, adaptable, involved, managing the conversation, and using empathyRead MoreEssay about Interpersonal Effectiveness681 Words   |  3 PagesAmongst the stronger areas for me out of the four components of interpersonal effectiveness are emotional intelligence, ethnics, and competence. Mindfulness is a weak area for me. I’m not completely mindless , but it wouldn’t hurt working on being more mindful in some situations. I have been told my whole life what a wonderful listener I am. How I’m such a people’s person and how I was born to be a Psychiatrist. In a nutshell, I am pretty comfortable with being aware of my emotions and keeping themRead MoreEffectiveness Of Effective Interpersonal Communication1037 Words   |  5 Pagesuse of effective interpersonal communication is the numer one compliance tool and resource for law enforcement officers. According to a survey, law enforcement officers spend 80 percent of the time using their interpersonal communications, whether its verbal, face-to -face, on the two way radio, writing reports, notebooks, computers, etc. It can be basically categorized into communicating within the law enforcement environment and communication within the community. Interpersonal communication canRead MoreInterpersonal Effectiveness1123 Words   |  5 PagesThere are four components to interpersonal effectiveness, which are competence, emotional intelligence, ethics, and mindfulness. Competence is the ability to accomplish set goals. In order to feel as if one is competent, I believe motivation is a huge factor that can cause a decrease in competence. At this point in my life, I am definitely questioning my competence. 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It is easy to be understood and comes in great use for quantifying the effectiveness of a particular intervention, relative to some comparison. It enables the testing of a particular intervention’s effectiveness over a variety of contexts(7)Read MoreThe Field Of Mental Health2789 Words   |  12 Pagesbarriers, a primary difficulty arises due to lacking consensus as to what constitutes â€Å"evidence† within the field. For example, the Division 12 Task Force (Lonigan et al., 1995) distinguished efficacy, the internal validity of outcome research, from effectiveness, the external validity of outcome research findings. ESTs are further categorized as probably efficacious and well-established (Chambless et al., 1998; Chambelss Hollon, 1998). Alternatively, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA)